I want to thank you for taking the time to visit my website. The purpose of this site is to provide some insight into who I am and to share my passion for Emergency Management. I have experience in the development of Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans (CEMP) from scratch, Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning, development of policy and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Additionally, I have experience conducting performance needs assessments (PNAs) and development of HSEEP compliant training and exercise plans to close gaps.
Richard Hildreth MA/CEM/MEP
I hold a Master’s Degree w/honors from American Military University in Emergency and Disaster Management. However, I am a life long learner and someone who believes in the concept of leading by example. I am a graduate of the Executive Leaders Program at DHS's Center for Homeland Defense and Security located at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey. I am also a graduate of over forty FEMA residential or field delivered training programs as well as over 100 online independent study programs.
I believe in the premise that by building individual and community capacity prior to disaster, community resilience is increased and over all loss is reduced. Thus I am a strong supporter of programs such as CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), Map Your Neighborhood (MYN) and Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NET).
I am certified as an ICS instructor (including 2019 standards and testing), a CERT instructor, as well as a former adjunct instructor at FEMA's Emergency Management Institute (EMI). I am however also capable of writing and conducting custom training programs to fit unique aspects of the emergency management field.
You can reach me at Rich@Richhildreth.com